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Hammond Institute PPE Program

What is PPE?

The academic disciplines of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) were integrated until the late 19th century. This separation benefited the research objectives of the disciplines, but students lost out because they are often better served by examining the connections and tensions among the disciplines. PPE began its revival in 1924 at Oxford University and has since spread to more than 100 institutions worldwide.

Regular Coursework

Six courses from the PPE subject areas: two in Philosophy, two in either Political Science or International Relations, and two in Economics.

Introduction to PPE

Two online Intro to PPE courses provided by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute: “How Markets Work” and “Economics and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Experiential Components

Under the guidance of PPE faculty, students will complete two experiential components to be attached to the badge for potential employers and others to see.

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For more information, download the detailed description of the program, which includes the lists of PPE courses.

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