May 01, 2018
Factors influencing successful completion of federal supervision
Dr. Joe Zlatic, Lindenwood University-Belleville, and Dr. Jeanie Thies, Lindenwood University
Research will compare offenders who fail on supervision and face revocation with those who successfully complete their period of supervision and identify those factors that distinguish these two groups.

May 01, 2018
A participatory needs assessment to inform occupational and vocational interest and reentry programming
Dr. Selena Washington, St. Louis University, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Research will aid in identifying vocational and career interests of incarcerated women and can lead to development of more meaningful vocational training within correctional facilities and more successful reintegration into the community.

May 01, 2018
Evaluation of a medication assistance program for parolees
Healthy Transitions, Inc. (nonprofit organization serving MoDOC offenders)
Evaluation of a program that provides free 30-day medication to offenders reentering the community. The program is intended to reduce barriers to obtaining employment, decrease mental illness relapses, and facilitate overall successful reentry.

Jan 01, 2018
Judge & attorney perspectives regarding mental health & the criminal justice system: A survey & educational intervention
Dr. Jackie Landess, St. Louis University, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Survey of judges and attorneys in St. Louis County to assess their perceptions of mental illness in people accused of and convicted of crimes and appropriate methods for addressing mental illness in this population. Results will be applied to develop trainings to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness and its interface with the criminal justice system.

Aug 01, 2017
A participatory needs assessment to inform workplace health safety and reentry programming at the St. Louis community release
Dr. Lisa Jaegers, St. Louis University
Needs assessment which aims to gain information regarding correctional workers’ physical and mental health, as well as gauge their perceptions of rehabilitation and offender reentry, leading to preparation for organizational culture change. Data were gathered via a structured survey and focus groups with staff members within the Missouri Department of Corrections (MoDOC). Results will be shared with the MoDOC and used to lay the groundwork for improving staff morale and strengthening their role in facilitating change among the offender population.
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